• DrWinston Woon
  • DrWinston Woon
  • DrWinston Woon

“Should I wait till Covid19 is over then see my doctor?”

The worldwide spread of coronavirus is certainly alarming. Everyone in Singapore is aware and has taken precautions to protect themselves. Measures including staying at home and avoiding hospitals or medical centres.

A very close relative of mine asked me this question recently “I have been feeling unwell because my heartbeat is very fast. Should I wait for this Covid19 to be over or should I take the risk of catching this virus and see a doctor now.”

My advise to her was that we still have to look after our own health first and foremost. Looking at the current situation, the coronavirus won’t suddenly disappear for at least another 6 months.

People will continue to fall sick and have different medical issues. Diseases will not disappear suddenly because of the corononavirus. If symptoms persist and recurs, we should seek medical review. Delay in treatment may be detrimental in some cases.

Hospitals and clinics do take extra care to ensure the cleanliness and safety of patients. Some clinics including ours offer online reviews and consults.

Many surgical procedures can be done in a minimally invasive manner and hospital stay can be minimised.

Take home message is that we will still fall ill from other causes and delay in treatment may not be in our best interest.

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